June 20 and 21, 1862

Macomb Journal
June 20, 1862

A Sample of Democracy.

            We publish the following article from the Fulton Democrat, the organ of the Democratic party in Fulton county, and would ask every citizen who may read it, whether this is the kind of Democracy that suits him.  Republicans are often berated for charging treasonable sentiments upon the Northern Democracy, but can any truly loyal citizens deny that this Democratic editor in Fulton county is as rank a traitor as ever took up arms against the Government?  And our neighbor of the Eagle is not a whit better, for he styles this Fulton county traitor his brother in the cause of truth and Democracy.


            When the crash of Fort Sumter’s fall startled the Northern Democracy from its National and Conservative faith, and its leaders in the frenzy of the hour took a wild leap into the seething cauldron of the Black Republican fanaticism, and united with the Abolition Disunionists of the North in their long projected war upon the people and institutions of the South, THE FATAL ERROR was committed that wrung from the hearts of cooler and truer patriots the last glimmer of hope for the Union!  Now Richardson and his compeers, and the leading Democratic journals, see the error then made in all its harrowing features, but too late, we fear, to afford hope that it may soon be rectified.  In the excitement that swept the Nation as a tempest, they gave to poor imbecile Abolition Lincoln and his advisers, (the veriest traitors and thieves that ever fawned upon an idiotic monarch,) the entire military strength and the entire wealth of government! – These Democrats gave this unnumbered host of soldiers, this ocean of money, honestly enough, perhaps for the purpose of “aiding the administration in enforcing the Constitution and Laws and preserving the Union as it was” – as though a party that had always defied the Constitution and the Laws and cursed the Union, would make an honest attempt to maintain and enforce either! – Where is the money?  Five hundred million dollars have been already stolen and squandered by Lincoln’s administration!  Where are the brave soldiers?  One hundred thousand of them have gone down to death, and as many more have been disabled in battle and by sickness, under Lincoln’s administration!  And what is the result of this enormous expenditure of life and money?  In the language of the Richardsons, the Vallandinghams, the Voorhees, the Woodses, the Cincinnati Enquirers, the St. Louis Republicans, the Chicago Times – in the language of all our statesmen and presses – the war for the Constitution and the Union has been changed to a war upon them; war upon the liberties of white men; a war to free the slaves of the South; a war to rob all Southern men of all their property; a war to steal from Northern men their right to free speech and free press; a war to plunge guiltless white men and [obscured] dungeons and wrest from them their right to the writ of habeas corpus; a war to wipe out State lines and to change the form of the government to that of a strong military dictatorship; a war to protect and defend Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet in their acts of perjury, usurpations of power, violations of the Constitution, and in their deeds of blackhearted tyranny and treachery, such as have not been known in the worst despotisms of Europe for centuries!

But, thank God! the Democracy are at last getting their eyes open, and they have commenced to understand the drift of this Black Republican administration.  The address of the Democratic members of Congress, and Richardson’s speech, both published in this paper recently, are the happiest omens of the returning reason of the Democracy.


“Coercion” in Illinois.

            Hiram Hester, a blatant secessionist of Iroquois county, was whipped by one Kiggins the other day, for giving utterance to his disloyalism.  Hester had Kiggins arrested under assault.  The trial was to come off before a justice in Middleport.  When the day wore round, a large number of Union men from various parts of the county were in attendance, carrying the old flag and accompanied by martial bands.  Some parties had coils of rope conspicuously displayed.  There was a significance about this which Hester was at no loss to understand. – He accordingly wilted, begged every body’s pardon, withdrew his action, paid the cost, took the oath of allegiance, and nailed up the old flag, and promised to keep it up.


Temperance Lecture.

            Rev. Reuben Gregg will lecture on Temperance this (Friday) evening, at 7 ½ o’clock at the M. E. Church.  The lecture will be free and all are invited to attend. – Let there be a good turn out.


About the 16th.

            A letter in the Quincy Herald of Wednesday furnishes the following bit of information respecting the 16th Regiment:

I see that some of the papers say that the Ohio 39th was the first to enter Corinth, which is a mistake.  I do not think that they have entered this town yet.  It was part of Morgan’s Brigade the Yates Sharp Shooters, and the 10th and 16th, that first entered the town.  When our advance went in at one side of the town, the secesh went out at the other – that is, their rear guard did.

We find some loyal people in this county, and they are glad to see us.

I do not know whether we will remain here or go further south.  We shall know soon.  We will have to move slowly through this country on account of the swamps.  The secesh get in behind the swamps and it is hard to get them out.  We had some hard work to get some of them from their hiding places between this and Corinth.  We lost some men and killed some of the secesh, and took 100 prisoners.



            From the subscriber a few days since a black and white spotted cow, with a calf of similar color.  The calf had a chain attached to its neck which dragged upon the ground.  A suitable reward will be paid for information that will lead to her recovery.


Attempt to Kill.

            On Saturday afternoon last a foul mouthed, blatant secessionist, named Dave Crisman, who lives a few miles south of this place, came into the city, and after visiting a few groggeries, commenced as usual his cheers for Jeff Davis and his profane denunciations of the administration, and all who gave it support.  Passing along in front of A. Davis’ store, where a number of gentlemen were standing, he stopped to vent some of his treasonable and blasphemous utterings, when Mr. A. V. Brooking, a much respected citizen of this community, flung a potato at the vile miscreant, whereupon the hell-deserving wretch deliberately drew a revolver and fired twice at Mr. Brooking, fortunately missing him each time. – Both shots passed into the store, and narrowly missed several persons who were congregated there.  The wretch was promptly arrested, and taken before Justice Withrow who held him to bail in the sum of $800 to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court.  Several of his Democratic friends rallied about, and secured the necessary bail for him, and he was set at liberty.

This is the same Crisman who was drummed out of the camp at Quincy last summer, while the 16th Regiment was stationed there, for uttering his secesh sentiments to the soldiers.  His rank treason, and his generally villainous conduct, has him made an object of [obscured]thing and contempt among the better class of citizens in this community, and is only an evidence of the great forbearance of our people that he has been suffered to run at large so long as he has, preaching his secessionism, and insulting honest people.



            We were favored on Monday night with a refreshing shower which has been of incalculable benefit for vegetation hereabouts.  The earth had become so dry and parched that many things began to suffer for the want of rain.


Cool Weather.

            Wednesday was a decidedly cool day; fires and overcoats were in demand; but we have no doubt that before many days we shall be sweltering with heat again, and we would therefore remind our readers that Lane’s ice cream is an excellent remedy for hot weather.


Macomb Eagle
June 21, 1862

  • A small shooting affair occurred in town last Saturday.  While David Chrisman was talking with Mr. Davis, a man named Brooking “put in” with some offensive remarks towards Chrisman, which the latter replied to in the same style.  From words Brooking resorted to potatoes and struck Chrisman on the face with one.  Chrisman, though having no objection to potatoes in the proper way, did not like for them to come at him in that style, and resented the assault by drawing a revolver and firing two shots at Brooking.  There was “nobody hurt.”  Chrisman waived an examination and gave bail for his appearance at the next term of the circuit court.
  • Masonic. – There will be a public installation of the officers of the Macomb Lodge No. 17, on Tuesday 24th inst., at 2 o’clock p. m. in the Presbyterian church.


Conflagration in Peoria.

            It is our painful and melancholy duty to record one of the severest destructions of property by fire which has ever occurred in this city.

Yesterday afternoon about 3 o’clock, a fire broke out in the distillery of Messrs. Gregg and Cockel, which spread to their cattle pens, hog pens, corn cribs, and sheds, destroying property to the amount of $150,000, with an insurance of only $20,000.  It then spread to the distillery of Lightner, Schimpferman, & Co., destroying the distillery, cattle pens, hog pens, corn cribs, and sheds, valued at $125,000; insurance $15,000.  It also destroyed cooper shops, dwelling, and other property contiguous thereto.  From thence it spread to the sheds of A. S. Coles, destroying a large amount of property.

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