Tag Archives: burial

April 1, 1864

Macomb Weekly Journal

For the Macomb Journal.

A Song.

Who Says de Darkies Won’t Fight.

By Ned Foster.

Air. – Coal Black Roses

Some white folks hab been heard to say
de nigger’s wouldn’t fight,
But I guess dat dey look at it now
Quite in an nodder light;
Hush up your mouf you “copperheads”
Don’t take dat for a plea,
To keep us from de battle field,
Where all of you should be

Our cause is right,
And we will fight,
For dear old Uncle Sam,
And show de Traitors Norf and Souf
Though black we’re each a man.

At “Milkum’s Bend” Port Hudson to,
We made our Masa’s scoot,
And I guess dey formed de cision dere;
Dat we know how to shoot
I tink dat in a little while
We’ll drill it in dere head;
Dat Uncle Sam will arm all things
That can shoot down a “Reb.”

Old Mass Colonel say to us
Which make us feel quite proud
Dat de darkies make as good a mark
As any in de crowd;
And as we’re used to waitin’ on
Our Massa’a heretofore;
We’ll serve dem up a little dis
Dat they’ve not bargained for.

Dey talk about your arming slaves
And make a dreadful fuss,
But don’t dey repudiate dere debts
Which am a great deal “wuss?”
And when de nigger you compare
Wit traitors ain’t it true;
Dat dere deeds if not dere color
Am de whitest ob de two.


Kansas Correspondence.

Salina, Salina County, Kansas.
March 17th, 1864.

            Mr. Editor: — Having been a resident of your county for a number of years, from whence I moved to this place in the year 1860, I am frequently inquired of by friends, as to how I like this country, and what are its prospects as a farming country. And as it may be of some interest to your readers, I propose, with your permission, to answer some of the more general inquiries, in the Journal.

Salina is at present the extreme western county in the State. The territory lying west, being unorganized and uninhabited, except by the few ranch men, on the great roads across the plains. It is used at present as a buffalo pasture. We are one hundred and seventy-five miles west of Fort Riley, on the military road from Fort Leavenworth to New Mexico. The Smoky Hill fork of the Kansas river divides the county into two nearly equal portions. The Solomon and Saline branches also run through it. According to the usage of the country I call these streams rivers, although an Illinoisian, at first sight might be inclined to doubt the propriety of so dignifying them. In appearance, they are but little larger than Crooked Creek, at Macomb. Yet their great length and the size of the fish they produce entitle them to the name river. The Smoky Hill heads full three hundred miles west of this place. It is a peculiarity of Kansas streams, to have a length out of proportion to their size.

The greater part of our timber is cottonwood, some oak, walnut, ash, elm, [obscured], honey locust, box-elder and willow. A person who has been raised in a timber country, would not be satisfied with either the quantity or quality of that article here; but one used to the prairies of Illinois, would find sufficient for all practical purposes. Stone plenty, well distributed and of easy access. Stone will be the principal building material of Kansas. The bottoms on the streams are broad, dry, and smooth as a threshing floor, producing luxurious crops of grass of the best quality. The soil in the bottom is a light black loam, and produces the broad-leafed, blue stem grass and rosin weed. In some places it assumes a pale or ash color, but seems equally productive. The uplands are similar to the high prairies with you, and although but little tested, I think will yet prove our best wheat lands. In my judgement the soil lacks firmness and compactness it is too loose and light, but in this respect improves with cultivation. The sub-soil is of a porous mixture of sand and clay, hardly retentive enough of water. This defect adds to the health of the country, and gives us good roads eleven months in the year. I have seen as good corn raised here as ever I did in Illinois, but I do not consider it as sure a crop. For the small grains such as wheat, rye and barley it is superior.

Stock raising must always be a leading feature in all farming here. The country is peculiarly well suited for that business. It gives promise of both the surest and largest profits, for the capital invested. It is the testimony of all who have made the comparison, that the natural grasses of Kansas are more nutritious than in the States further east. To see our cattle and partake of the beef will convince any one of that fact. It is also illustrated in the condition of the buffalo, some of which have been killed in this section, yielding as much as eighty pounds of tallow. Our feeding season is from six weeks to two months shorter than with you. Indeed some cattle have gone through the winter without being fed at all; such treatment is poor economy and not to be recommended. But few sheep have yet been introduced here. Yet there is every reason to believe that they will pay even better than cattle. They would require but little feed to winter them, except the short time that snow is on the ground. Hogs are the poorest of all stock here, and I am not sorry for it. I am glad that I have got to a country, where the porker is not esteemed an important member of society, and where swine’s flesh is not an indispensible article of diet.

The land in this section, has not yet been offered at public sale, and can be obtained only by actual settlers, either by right pre-emption, or under the Homestead Act. By this means land speculators, (the curse of all new countries,) are excluded. In many parts of Kansas, the best of the land is held by non-residents, to the great injury of the settlers, depriving them of the advantage of society, and retarding for years schools, churches, and public improvements. It is to be hoped, that the policy of throwing the public lands into market as soon as open for settlement is forever abandoned. As usual with all first settlers, fruit culture has received little or no attention. My own little experience in planting has been perfectly satisfactory and I expect in due time to gather fruit. Native plums and grapes grow in abundance, and of excellent quality.

One of the greatest charms this country has for me, is its healthfulness. In regard to this I can speak with great confidence. No swamps or stagnate water producing miasma. A clear bracing atmosphere, giving health to the body and elasticity to the spirit. The population of this county is between four and five hundred, composed of German, Scotch, Irish, English and representatives from most of the Western States and some few Eastern people. Most of them came here with but little capital. The want of it was the main inducement in bringing them here. But few, I think, will ever regret the change. If they are not rich, they have lain the foundation, which if continued will lead to wealth. I am frequently asked through letters by persons, if I would advise them to come to this country. It is hard to answer the question satisfactory, as I do not know the habits, tastes and desires of the individuals or their expectations. What would be desirable to one, might be objectionable to another. Industrious and enterprising men and women of all kinds will do well here. Loafers will do just as well where they are. The country won’t suit them. We have no regular physician here. We want one; one who has a head and heart, in other words a good doctor united with a good man, such a one will find here a community to appreciate his worth.

Salina, the county seat of Saline county is a small town, but a place of considerable business. It contains three stores, grist and saw mill, school house, blacksmith, gunsmith, wagon maker, and saddler. The fur market of the place could not have been less than thirty thousand dollars during the past year. The presbyterian and christian denominations have church organizations. You will find by consulting the map, that you and I studied at school, that this country is part of what was then the “Great American Desert.” That desert may have a definite geographical position, if so it must be sought elsewhere than here. Or if this is a fair sample of it, a miracle is not necessary to “cause the desert to blossom and bloom like the rose.”




Washington, March 21, 1864.

            The most important event that has transpired since my last was the visit of Gen. Grant to this city.

Major Generals have been crowding the hotels here during the winter, and Brigadiers have been as thick as locusts in Egypt, and none of them so far as heard from, have noted for their modesty, but General Grant is truly a modest man, and seemed to desire to avoid anything like show or display. He will be here again this week, and will go into the field immediately with the army of the Potomac, and we will have to let the future tell what the result will be. Officers who have been engaged in the attempted advances towards Richmond report the fortifications of the rebels as impregnable, owing to the nature of the ground they occupy. The country being so situated that one hill commands another, and to take one fortification would be to place our forces directly in range of another battery. But we will see what course Gen. Grant will pursue in reference to these impregnable positions.

Fort Donelson was said to be impregnable but it did not prove so when Gen. Grant “moved” against it, and so it was with Vicksburg. Grant persevered against every obstacle until that modern Gibraltar was taken.

Mission Hill was also said to be so strong a point that the rebels could not be dislodged. Gen. Grant was in command there but few days before the rebels were driven from it in confusion.

There is nothing about Gen. Grant’s personal appearance that would indicate the great man according to the popular theory, but it is impossible to [obscured] the results have been accomplished by good judgment, tenacity of purpose and determined perseverance, rather than by brilliant dashes, he is none the less entitled to credit for them.

The Presidential Question.

            Chase’s letter withdrawing his name has proved a wet blanket to many aspiring gentlemen here. Those who were most active in their efforts for Chase, belonged to that class of persons, samples of which you see everywhere, who must either rule or ruin. Men, in most cases who had everything to make by a change and nothing to lose, and who were working purely from selfish motives. Very few of them I think ever had much hope of succeeding in getting Mr. Chase nominated, but hoped to raise a faction formidable enough to bring themselves into notoriety; while the real friends of Mr. Chase from the beginning discouraged the movement, as they knew the popular heart was for Mr. Lincoln, and they did not desire to see Mr. Chase make a failure.

I presume there never has been a time in the history of this country when the result of a coming election could be more clearly foretold. From every part of the country the voice of the Union masses comes up nearly unanimously for Mr. Lincoln.

The result of the election in New Hampshire can be taken as a forerunner of the elections that are [?] off in 1864.

The Copperheads in New Hampshire and their journals everywhere made the contest in that State a fight against the Administration and against Mr. Lincoln, as the exponent and originator of the policy of the Administration, and said that the result would show whether Mr. Lincoln was sustained. We have had that result, it was an overwhelming majority for the Union and an indorsement of the policy of the Administration. Connecticut will follow in April with a like verdict, and so the ball will be kept rolling until Abraham Lincoln is triumphantly re-elected in November.

The Fair.

            The Ladies’ Fair for the benefit of the Christian Commission still continues and is a great success. Saturday evening there was a grand promenade concert at the fair rooms. Mrs. Kretchmar, the great singer, assisting, the rooms as usual were crowded. The fair will close with a grand ball on the evening of the 28th. Most of the valuable artifacts have been disposed of by raffling, or by “taking chances” as the ladies term it. Some of my acquaintances have been quite fortunate – one: Mrs. L. — , of Ohio, has drawn two very valuable silver tea sets.

Veteran Reserve Corps.

            I see that by order of the War Department, the name of the Invalid Corps has been changed to the more appropriate one of Veteran Reserve. The regiment stationed here, belonging to that corps, has dress parade every Sabbath afternoon on Franklin Square. I went up to see them last Sabbath. They present quite a fine appearance in their light blue uniforms with dark facings, and the armless coat sleeves dangling by the side of many of the officers show that they have seen service.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.

            That attention of the traveling public is called to the above road, as a through route from the West. The Michigan Southern Railroad has made arrangements with the Newark and Sandusky and other roads in Ohio, by which they run through trains with close connection making better time from Chicago to Washington, and with less change of cars than by any other route. And in this age proverbial for gruff officials, it is a pleasure to come in contact with the gentlemanly and obliging officers and employees on this road.

Those doing business with the road, by shipping freight, or otherwise, will find in W. P. Smith, Esq., the Superintendent, a gentlemen, who, while he pays strict attention to the interests of the road, is ever ready and willing to oblige if in his power.



            “Rally round the” polls, boys! Don’t forget the election next Tuesday, but go and vote; see that your Union neighbor votes. Remember that your opponents are wily, and that they will leave no stone unturned to secure our defeat. This election will be watched and commented on all over the Union, and we should not be found sleeping on our posts. Every Union voter that stays from the polls counts one for the copperheads. Let us send word to our gallant soldiers in the field that McDonough county is released from the thralldom of copperhead rule.

Remember, do NOT say “can’t” but go and vote. If you love your country – if you desire to gratify your friends in the field, go and vote for Union men; men who are tried and true.


War in Illinois.

            The copperheads have appeared determined from the first to bring on a collision between themselves and Union men in this State, and have, through their press, and by individuals, societies and every other way provoked Union men and returned soldiers till it was almost unbearable. The copperheads in Coles Co., more zealous in the cause of their master, Jeff. Davis, than others have commenced the war in earnest by going in crowds to Charleston on Monday the 28th, armed with guns concealed in wagons, and carrying revolvers. They commenced firing on some soldiers in the court house yard, and the County Sheriff commenced firing on Union men in the Court House. It is too late for us to make more than a note of it. We will endeavor to give the particulars next week. Several were killed and wounded, among the killed was Maj. S. York, Surgeon of the 54th, [obscured.]


Union Meeting in Scotland Township.

            At a meeting held at Centre Point school house, on March 26th, 1864, for the purpose of nominating candidates for township officers, Mr. H. H. Kyle, Chairman, and Mr. Robert Littleson Secretary.

The following nominations were made.

Geo. W. Provine township Supervisor, Robert Littleson town Clerk, Jeremiah Sullivan Assessor, Charles W. Greenup Collector, James M. Rexroat Commissioner of Highways, Samuel McKidney Overseer of Poor, John Roberts and Edwin B. Rall Constables.



Do They Talk Nigger?

            Some of our Democratic cotemporaries are continually harping about Union men talking nigger, and our great love for the woolly heads. Where they get their information from is more than we know. We have never seen it in any paper or heard it expressed by an individual, except by the copperheads themselves. But we asked the question “Do they talk nigger?” In answer to it we would state that as a matter of curiosity we took the pains to count how many times the word nigger, or its equivalent of black, Sambo, &c., occurred in a certain paper, that is published something less than a thousand miles from this office. We counted the word FORTY-TWO times. Just think! forty-two times in one issue, and that is far less a number than usual. Besides the forty-two times the words was mentioned, the same issue had the photographs of 40 of his colored brethren. Copperheads don’t talk nigger? No-siree.



From the 78th Regiment.

Camp near Rossville, Ga.,
March 15, 1864.

            This is a cold, chilly morning. Although I was looking yesterday upon a number of peach trees richly clothed with blossoms of brilliant hues, and listening to the sweet music of the birds, this morning I find myself jostling and elbowing with my messmates in order to get a comfortable position near the cheerful fire which illuminates our rude little cabin. The sky is overcast with blue and lowery looking clouds, and the winds come rushing into the cracks and crevices of our shanty with a dismal howl. But soldiers are called upon to endure all kinds of weather – cold and hot, wet and dry, cloudy and clear, and ever be ready for duty at a moment’s warning.

There it comes! a blast from Maynard’s bugle. That is a call for the pickets to fall in. Our company furnishes eight men for picket every morning. They pack their blankets, and provide themselves with rations for 24 hours, and rig themselves as though for a march. Picket duty in good weather is no hardship. Each picket is required to stand as sentinel six hours out of the twenty-four – that is, two hours on duty, and six hours off. As matters are at present arranged a man’s turn [obscured] The pickets usually take with them their writing materials, and a large portion of the letters sent from the army are written while out on picket. At half past nine Maynard blows his bugle again. That will be the call for company drill. Each company then assembles on their respective parade grounds, form in line, and are then marched out to the most convenient places for drilling. At eleven o’clock the re-call is sounded, and we then march to our quarters. At half past two the bugle sounds for battalion drill, which exercise is continued until four o’clock, thus consuming three hours each day in drilling. Saturday and Sunday, however, are excepted.

A recent order requires that the men shall practice an hour each day at target shooting. This exercise comes off immediately after dinner, and is rather liked by most of the men. The target is usually set at a distance of one hundred yards, and each man steps out as his number is called – takes aim, and fires. A report is handed in each day at headquarters of the names of the two best shots in each company, and the distance hit from the centre. These reports prove that we have excellent marksmen in the regiment, as scarcely a day passes but each company can show the bull’s eye pierced at the centre.

Capt. Reynolds of Co. I, returned to the regiment a few days ago apparently much improved in health. Dr. D. M. Creel, of Industry, started for home a few days since on a leave of absence for thirty days. The Doctor has filled the position of Hospital Steward since the organization of the regiment, and won for himself the confidence and esteem of both officers and men. He goes home with a recommendation to Gov. Yates to commission him as an Assistant Surgeon in this regiment, and I hope to see him return with his commission in his pocket.

Orderly J. J. Clark of Co. I, has obtained a furlough for a few days and starts for Macomb on Friday. I learn that his wife is dangerously ill, but at last accounts was slightly improving.

Lieut. Col. Carter Van Vleck has been promoted to the Colonelcy of this regiment, and I presume he will now doff the silver leaf and don the eagle. Capt. M. R. Vernon, of Co. K, whose home is in Quincy, is promoted to the Lieut. Colonelcy.

Thursday Evening, March 17. – No mail arrived this evening. A rumor is current that John Morgan has cut the railroad near Tullahoma and captured a train, mail and all. I trust it may prove a canard. All remains quiet at the front. We had a biting frost last evening, and hard freezing. I think the whole peach crop in this section of country must be destroyed.

J. K. M.


Union Meeting in Chalmers Township.

            Pursuant to call, the Unconditional Union voters of Chalmers Township, McDonough county, met at the house of Mr. Joseph Litchfield in the above named township, on Saturday afternoon, March 26th, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various town offices to be voted for at the coming Spring election.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Alexander Blackburn, Esq. Doanne was called to the chair and W. F. A. Kohler elected secretary. By request of the chairman, Mr. Blackburn stated the object of the meeting.

On motion the convention proceeded to make nominations for the several offices to be filled. The following Ticket was unanimously agreed upon:

For Supervisor, Alexander Blackburn; for Town Clerk, W. F. A. Kohler; for Assessor, James Thompson; for Collector, Joshua Wayland; for Highway Commissioner, Jacob Kaisersen; for Overseet of Poor, S. G. Scroggs.

On motion, Messrs. Steckel, Blackburn and Joel Wayland were appointed a Township Central Committee and also a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of this convention. The following resolutions were presented and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That in the great struggle of our country for National existence there is neither time nor space among loyal men for party, but in the language of the lamented Senator Douglas, All must be Patriots or Traitors. He that is not for his government, his country, is against it.

Resolved, That we cordially endorse the Administration and its war measures, for the effectual suppression of the slave holders’ rebellion.

Resolved, That we tender our undivided thanks to those brave and heroic soldiers, who have so gallantly maintained our national integrity.

Resolved, That we look forward with hopeful anticipations to the utter overthrow of this terrible rebellion, to the complete recovery of all revolted territory, and the renomination of Abraham Lincoln at the Baltimore Convention.

On motion the Convention adjourned sine die.

A. H. DOANE, Chairman.


For the Macomb Journal.

Interesting to Stock Raisers!

McDonough Co. Still Ahead!

Walnut Grove, March 28, 1864.

            Mr. Editor: I enclose you the following:

Mr. Matthies Hemenover a neighbor of mine, has a cow that a short time since gave birth to three calves, one living and two dead. Last spring she gave birth to four, all were alive but the weather being very cold at the time three of them froze to death, one is still living. The spring previous she had three at one birth, all were alive but as it happened in the month of February and the weather being intensely cold, they all perished for want of proper care; hence she has had ten calves at three births, and in about two years. Said cow is a bright red, and rather heavy set. You discover nothing peculiar in her appearance.

The above facts can be well attested.

Yours, F. CRUISER.


Copperhead Lyric.

            Mr. Editor: — We commend to your readers the following copperhead morning hymn. Now-a-days we hear so much of the superiority of races, and of part of mankind having no rights that the white man need respect, that I have reduced their sentiments to numbers. It may be that Dr. Olds’ church may extend this far, and they may need special odes for their purified sanctuary. Moreover, your cotemporary seems again religiously exercised, and you might send him a copy. In this day of open bibles such lyrics are almost out of print, and these devout personages have to go to the heathen for their sacred songs:

Father Almighty, [?] as the race
Of white men far and near; but chase
The negroes from thy throne, black crew,
Swift headlong to the world below.

The Golden rule, good Lord, repeal,
And sanction, thou, who black men steal;
Those Hottentots and Congres rate
As monkies of superior state.

The Chinese save, the Indian, too,
The Dutch, the Swede, and dark [?]
But Sambo’s soul respect not thou,
Nor let his rights be heard below.

The negro is a lower race,
Unfit to dwell in thy embrace,
Then cause our cup to overflow,
And sink this Cuffee o’er so low.

Thus, Lord, thy praise shall rise supreme
In hearts more worthy thy esteem,
Whilst these low chattels we will use,
To spread thy name to Greek and Jews.

And when to Abram’s bosom we
Are raised to all eternity,
May ‘nigs’ on three-legged stools be left
Far down in torrid climes – a drift.

Then through high heaven on downy beds,
Both Butternuts and Copperheads,
Their social voices loud will ring,
And nary nigger there will sing.


Annual Town Meeting.

            The citizens, legal voters of the Town of Macomb, in the County of McDonough and State of Illinois, are hereby notified that the annual town meeting for said town will be held at the Court House in said town on Tuesday, the fifth day of April, 1864, being the first Tuesday in said month, for the purposes following:

To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting.

To elect one Supervisor, one Town Clerk, one Collector, one Assessor, one Overseer of the Poor, one Commissioner of Highways, one Justice of the Peace for one year, six Overseers of Highways, and to act upon any additional subject which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting, at the proper time, when convened.

Which meeting will be called to order between the hours of nine and ten o’clock in the forenoon and kept open until six o’clock in the afternoon.

Given under my hand at Macomb, this twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1864.

Town Clerk.


            Meanness Personified. – Some malicious person, or persons, with malice aforethought, entered our office on Wednesday night last and pied a lot of advertisements on the inside pages and also several jobs that were standing on the job stone. Whoever it was knew something of the internal arrangement of a printing office, and also where we kept our key. We thought when we commenced this article that we would tell our opinion of such acts, but we can’t do the subject justice. We have not got the time to reset the “ads” that are pied, but will have them all right next week. Among the ads that were pied was that of G. W. Smith’s Nursery which we had promised to bring forward among the new advertisements.


            Billingsgate. – The classical regions of Billingsgate, London, have their counterpart in this city. On Campbell’s corner may be seen, about every other day, some gentlemen of the Irish persuasion engaged in the lucrative business of selling fish, while other gentlemen (!) of the copperhead persuasion are engaged in the laudable practice of “cussing” and swearing. – It is a very pleasant place for ladies to pass! Why can’t our city “dads” be made to stand there for a few hours in the day. It would help their morals – and may be they would do something.


            New Music. – The following are among the pieces of new music just received at Clarke’s book store: Vacant Chair, Babylon is Fallen, Beautiful Child of Song, Oh, Wrap the Flag Around Me, Boys, Sleeping for the Flag, House Far Away, Vicksburg is taken, Boys, Washington and Lincoln, Gay and Happy, Ah! he Kissed Me when He Left Me, Mother would Comfort Me, Brave Boys are They, Will you Come to Meet Me, Darling, Lottie in the Lane, All Hail to Ulysses, Maudie Moore, Columbias Guardian Angels, O come you from the Battle Field, Grafted into the Army, I Stand on Memory’s Golden Shore, Old Brown Cot, She Sleeps Beneath the Elms, Oh Bury the Brave where they Fall, When will my Darling Boy Return, Sleighing with the Girls, Bless Me, Mother, ere I Die, Corporal Schnapps, Rock Beside the Sea.


            Apple Trees. – We have neglected to call attention to the advertisement of G. W. Smith, nurseryman of this city. Mr. Smith is one of the oldest and most reliable nurserymen in this section of the State. He offers his trees at extraordinary low prices, and all who contemplate setting out orchards this spring should not fail to call on him for choice varieties of trees at greatly reduced prices. See his advertisement which we bring forward among the “New Adverstisements.”


            Teachers’ Association. – The Teachers’ Association for McDonough county commenced its session on Tuesday last. There are quite a large number of teachers in attendance.


            Brought Home. – The remains of Wm. T. Chase, a son of Rev. James Chase, of this county, was brought home from the army last week for interment here. Mr. Chase enlisted last November, and we learn had never reached his regiment. He was sent from Chattanooga with others to guard a train to Knoxville, Tenn., and on the road he was taken sick with the pleurisy, and died in a few days. He was buried last Friday from the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Moses A. McCandless, who was killed at the battle of Missionary Ridge last December, was also brought home last week for burial. The funeral services took place at the Presbyterian Church last Saturday.


            Mud. – “Spring time has come,” and so has mud. Now, as a general thing, people are not very fond of tramping through mud barefoot, and they, as a natural consequence, want to know where to get boots and shoes that will keep the mud from their feet. – There are several places in this town where they can be supplied, but J. M. Browne & Co’s is the place and no mistake. They are in receipt of their spring stock of boots and shoes, hats and caps, baskets all of the very best quality and at prices that defy competition. Be sure and call on them when you want anything in their line. Mr. Browne came to this city about one year ago, and by his politeness of manners and strict attention to business, has succeeded in building up a very large trade, but he is still willing to have more. – Remember it is of no use to go barefoot when you can be shod so cheap.


            Crackers. – Attention is called to the advertisement of G. W. Kruse, Machine Baker, of this city. Those contemplating going to Idaho will do well to call on him and supply themselves with a lot of those crackers. They will find that they will come handy on the plains.


            Sudden Death. – We were pained to learn on Monday morning last of the sudden death of Dean Ray, eldest son C. M. Ray, Esq., of this city. He had only been sick since Thursday evening previous. The bereaved parents have the profound sympathies of the whole community in their sad affliction.


            Indicted. – We understand that Capt. Geo. B. Reid was indicted during the sitting of the Grand Jury for bringing an “unbleached American” into this county. The Captain belongs to the 66th, and we don’t doubt but that he will feel bad about it when he hears of it. There is only one way for him to escape the punishment due to his enormous crime – and that is to vote the copperhead ticket.


            Windy. – The weather on last Monday was regular March weather. – High winds prevailed. Dust was in the ascendant – altogether it was a first rate day to stay in the house.


            Musical Convention. – A musical convention has been holding here during this week under the direction of Prof. Bennett, of Janesville, Wisconsin. A concert will be given this (Friday) evening either at the Presbyterian or Universalist Church.


            Adjourned. – The Circuit Court, after a busy session of seven days and a half, adjourned on Tuesday. A large amount of business was transacted in that time. The trial of Manion for the murder of Tom Brown was postponed till next court.


            Off for Idaho. – On Tuesday morning another company started from this place for Idaho. The company was composed of Robt. Bonham, G. A. Decker, John Harris, and C. C. Clarke, Wm. H. Phelps also belongs to the same company, but will not start for several days yet.

We neglected to notice last week the departure of Mich. Lipe and Ben. Naylor. They contemplate going by the way of Salt Lake City. We wish the whole crowd an abundance of success.


            Tangle-leg. – The other day we saw an old man attempting to navigate West Jackson street, who seemed to think that the plank of the side walk was too short at both ends – at least, he attempted to walk on both sides at once.


            Sickly. – There is a great deal of sickness in this city and vicinity this Spring. We believe the prevailing disease is diptheria, though there are several cases of fever. There has been several deaths.


            Changed Hands. – The building on the north side of the square, known as the Masonic Hall, has been bought by Mr. John Venable. He occupies one room with his woollen store. The other room will be occupied by a millinery store.


            Fire. – The smoke house of Mrs. Logsdon, on West Jackson street was discovered to be on fire on Saturday night last, about 12 o’clock. The origination of the fire is unknown. The loss to Mrs. Logsdon is about $500, as all of her flour, meat, &c, were stored in it.


            Quashed. – The indictment in the suit of Covalt vs. Phelps, for libel was quashed on Monday last by the Prosecuting Attorney.


            More Improvements. – We notice that the business house on the south side of the square, adjoining Cottrell & Bros., is being re-modelled, and fixed up in style. We have not learned who will occupy it, but presume it will not remain long without an occupant.

Thos. Gilmore is putting up an office on the south side of the square, and improving the old building. After he gets through, that part of the square will assume a more business-like appearance.

On West Jackson street we notice a large dwelling house going up – being built by Mr. Strader. It is of the “Barn” order of architecture.

Moab Lovely, of the firm of R. J. Adcock & Co., has bought, and is refitting a building on West Jackson street formerly owned by Mrs. Atkinson.

James Clarke, Esqr., has commenced putting a large dwelling on the same street, opposite the Macomb House.

W. O. Thomas is putting up a Carpenter shop on Lafayette street south of Adcock & Co’s grocery store.

Dr. E. A. Floyd is having the back room of the Chicago store fitted up for offices.

G. W. Bailey, dry goods dealer on the east side of the square, has bought the property, formerly owned by Mrs. Maury, on East Jackson street, and is making a new place of it. It will add to the appearance of that part of town when he get through with his contemplated improvements.


            → A hump backed, Jew-nosed individual put his body inside our office the other day and asked, “Is that man I wanted to see in here yet?” We were about to inquire what man, when seeing the end of a whisky bottle sticking out of his pocket, we were satisfied and answered, “The man you want to see is in the abolition office.” He left. – Eagle.

We found the about artice in the Eagle last week, and we did begin to think that Abbott had reformed, but alas! on inquiry, we found that Abbott did not write that article. He is not the man to let a bottle of whiskey slip from him in that abrupt a manner.


            Musical. – By last week’s Eagle we see that our neighbor has turned his attention to music – and to verify our assertions of last week in regarding to the disease of “N. O. B.,” the notes he uses for his music are little darkies climbing on a rail fence. It is true, the music is not adapted to be sung in church, but it will do for a copperhead camp meeting. From the words accompanying it, we should infer that it is the opening ode of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Here are the words; our readers can judge for themselves:

In the rank dog fennel John Brown was born across the creek,
With a black spot in his bosom that astonished old Nick;
As he died stealing niggers, let us free them quick,

While the devil gets us all!
Glory to the big buck nigger,
Glory to the big buck nigger,
And the fat she nigger too.


            More Copperhead Literature. – The following sweet specimen of copperhead audacity was received a short time since by the person to whom it was addressed. We have not learned whether Mr. Hill has been “Badley whiped” or not, but presume he keeps a body guard with him, and will not be “ketched” out alone. Such letters are more amusing than frightful, and if the copperheads think they can scare good Union men by them, or accomplish more than their brethren of New York did last summer, why – let ‘em “pitch in”

Tennessee Illinois

Mr hill if you dont mind your Bisness you will get youre selfe Badley whiped Before you leeve yet the next time I ketch you out you will get one of the gratest whipens you ever had I wont leeve A Bit of hide on your Back I think you will get A thing A Bout the sise of A Beene I have bin wAtching you for last week Now you Beter kep your ise open your Friend toly

February 20, 1863

Macomb Weekly Journal
February 20, 1863


            Hon. G. C. Bates, of Chicago, will be present and address the Union Meeting, to be held on the 21st inst.

Mr. Bates is a first class Speaker and we trust our people will come out in force to hear him.  Other speeches will also be made and we anticipate a rousing good time.


The Legislature Adjourned.

            That nest of political guerillas, thank providence, has adjourned, and for a few months at least, their powers of mischief are suspended.  Devoid of statesmanship, but full of malevolence and thirsting for office, this dirty nest of Goody, O’Melveny & Co., and their satellites over the State, have plotted in this time of our country’s peril to paralize the arm of the National Government by taking possession of the authority of the State Government, making a fatal armistice with the rebels and appointing a time and place to hold friendly converse with them whilst in arms, and that without the consent and against the wishes of the National Government.  The Legislature of our State was the chosen agent of this dirty job.  Just how far their treasonable plans are designed to reach, no one out of the clique fully understands.  But judging from the meetings organized through the country, of which we had a sample here on the 7th inst., we would suppose the contemplated revolution was designed to be radical.  This infernal clique, moreover, were willing to abuse the Governor of the State in this momentous issue, after all his patriotic endeavors to maintain the honor and dignity of our people, and the welfare and prowess of our arms, by any mortification however gross they could impose upon him.  They seem to know or care nothing for our future history or State consistency.  Loyalty and patriotism were ideas that seemed to be ignored in a consuming thirst for office.  Of course in a body the majority of which was composed of such material as our last legislature a man’s standing was in the direct ratio of his recklessness and villanous subserviency to rebeldom.

From so corrupt a crowd of Legislative tinkers, no devout man could help the prazer of the litany, “Good Lord deliver us.”  It surely is, therefore, a matter for devout thanksgiving that through the active opposition of a noble and patriotic minority, under Divine Providence, these affairs were defeated.  The convention at Louisville, or Nashville, or still further in Dixie, thank God, is not likely soon to meet. – The Governor of our noble State is not to be shamefully disgraced in the presence of the enemy; and our State is not to be placed in direct antagonism with the glorious Government of the United States made by our Fathers. – We are not for the present, at least, to bend our backs to receive whatever ignominious load those sorry Legislators may contract to impose upon us.  And yet we must say what a judgment to be thus cursed with lawmakers so utterly devoid of statesmanship!  Full three-fourths of their time was devoted to national and political plotting, and the success of their Copperhead party, and in the remaining one-fourth all the business of a biennial Legislature to a great State, was attempted to be hurried through.  Ten day were full as much as this corrupt set of men could devote to the local Legislation of the State which in right, ought to have been their exclusive business.

To make amends for this shameless neglect, they adjourned to meet in June, when we trust a good Providence may again deliver us from such political cobblers.  We are fast trying the experiment to see how little brains and principle will run a Republic.  They had better consider in the interval of their adjournment the propriety also of sending a Minister plenipotentiary to Louis Napoleon, that the scheme may secure the approbation of all their friends. – The people pay the fiddler, of course, in their adjournment.


Editorial Correspondence.

Steamer J. H. Groesbeck,
February 7, 1863.

            The 78th Illinois regiment embarked on board the J. H. Groesbeck, at Portland, four miles west of Louisville, on Thursday, the 29th ult., and early on Sunday morning the ropes were unfasted, and, she started out, in company with several other transports, also heavily loaded with troops and army equipments, bound for a voyage up the Cumberland river.  Our fleet consists of 63 vessels, including some 6 or 8 gunboats, carrying about 30,000 troops.  The Ohio river was booming high, and the current swift; hence we made a rapid trip to Smithland, situated at the mouth of the Cumberland river.  We reached Smithland about one o’clock on Monday afternoon, and remained there for the purpose of taking on coal, &c., until 9 o’clock the next morning.  The Cumberland was in good navigable condition, but the current being against us, our progress was of course much slower than our trip down the Ohio.  Our boat was new and elegantly finished, this being her first trip, but the crowded state of the men on board prevented their finding much comfort or convenience.  They have been compelled to make their lodging place out upon the hurricane deck, or if, in the cabin, in such a crowded state as to render the atmosphere of the room stifling and suffocating.  The consequence has been that now, we have over one hundred men upon the sick list.  Henry Parker and George Pittman, of Co. I, are both ill and confined to their beds.  Those who are very sick have comfortable accommodations in the berths connected with the state rooms.  W. J. Ward, John W. Pate and David R. Reiman, of Capt. Allen’s company, have been very sick for two or three days, and their recovery considered doubtful, but at the present writing they are somewhat better.  Pate, however, is in a critical condition, but may recover.

We passed Fort Donaldson, the spot made famous by a desperate battle, and a glorious Union victory, about a year since, some time on Tuesday night.  The next morning found our boat tied up to shore opposite the little town of Dover, which is only a mile and a half from Fort Donaldson.  The fort has been abandoned, and fortifications built in the town of Dover, which place has been held and occupied by the 83d Illinois for the past six months.  Soon after daylight a contraband on shore informed one of our men that a battle had been fought in Dover the day before, and the rebels completely whipped out.  We looked over the river, and everything looked so quiet there, that we could scarcely give credit to the negro’s story.  A large portion of our fleet, with an occasional gunboat, were lying in close proximity, securely fastened to the shore, and the cool and frosty air of the morning seemed to admonish us all to seek the comforts of the cabin fire.  At length came rumors thicker and faster that the 83d Illinois, with only about 700 men, had actually whipped over 4,000 rebels under Generals Wheeler and Forrest, and killed nearly 1000 of their men.  It was not until afternoon that we became convinced of the real magnitude of the affair.  I then provided myself with a pass, and watching an opportunity, was fortunate enough to secure a passage across the river in a little leaky, mud-bespattered skiff, by first depositing twenty-five cents, United States currency, in the fist of the ferryman.  I had no sooner landed than the evidences of a desperate and bloody battle became visible to me.  Dead horses lay in every direction, and the ground in numberless places was marked with human gore.  There was not a house, a tree or a fence about the place that did not bear evidence of the deadly strife.  I walked to the village burying ground, and there, in huge piles, lay the unburied bodies of some twenty or thirty dead rebels.  Men were engaged digging trenches, in which the bodies were thrown and then covered with dirt.  A large government wagon, drawn by four mules, had just arrived, loaded down with more dead bodies.  They had been tumbled into the wagon as you would throw in a load of wood.  The bodies were cold and stiff, and in one part of the load might be seen an arm poking up, and in another place a leg, rendering the whole a most horrible and sickening sight.  The most of the bodies were much mangled, giving evidence of the terrible execution of our guns.

The 83d was raised in Warren and Knox counties, under Col. A. C. Harding, of Monmouth.  Of course, I found many acquaintances in the regiment, and was able to gather many particulars respecting the battle.  Col. Harding had been anticipating an attack for a day or two.  It was the design of the rebels to get possession of Dover and thus intercept our fleet.  Soon after noon on Tuesday, some scouts, who had been sent out, came in with the intelligence that a large force of rebels was marching upon them, not a mile distant.  The long roll was immediately sounded, and the regiment formed in line of battle.  The rebels soon appeared, and according to custom, sent in their flag of truce, demanding an unconditional surrender, as they had orders to take the place at all hazards.  Col. Harding replied that they might come and take it, if they could.  The rebels proceeded, even while the flag of truce was within our lines, to completely surround the town, and to plant their cannon in favorable positions.  About 2 o’clock the battle commenced, and continued without cessation until 8 o’clock in the evening.  The rebels, a number of times, charged furiously and madly upon the works and the guns of the 83d, but were as often repulsed.  The slaughter of the rebels was awful.  The 83d had five cannon, besides one large siege gun, manned by only 18 men; but they did terrible execution.  At one time the siege gun had misfired twice, when a few rebels charged upon it, the leading one exclaiming; “Why the h – l don’t you surrender? you are completely surrounded by ten times your number!”  Just then the gun was fired, and the rebel was blown into a hundred pieces.  The 83d maintained their position from the first to the last.  On Thursday morning, (the time we left Dover,) the bodies of 240 dead rebels had been discovered and buried.  The wounded that remained upon the ground and fell into our hands numbered about 60.  There were also some 40 or 50 prisoners taken.  Upon our side the loss was only 13 killed and 35 wounded.  Among the killed upon our side was Capt. Philo Reed, of Monmouth, a young and promising lawyer of that place.  The news of his death will send a thrill of sorrow to many hearts in Warren county.  I knew him well.  His body was placed in a metallic coffin and sent home to his sorrowing friends and afflicted family.

Among the rebel killed was Col. McNary, of an Alabama regiment, and Col. Coffee.  Gen. Forrest was known to have a leg broken, but otherwise it was not known how severe his injury was.

The history of this war does not furnish a parallel to the gallant conduct of the gallant 83d Illinois regiment.  Every man in that regiment won for himself enduring fame.  The bravery, coolness, and skill of Col. Harding will be undoubtedly recognized and acknowledged by the higher authorities, and he be remembered accordingly.

I finish this letter just as we are approaching Nashville.  The sight of our fleet, as it is steaming up the river, is a scene worthy the attention of Harper’s everywhere-present special artist.  The fleet extended three miles, and still it appears as though we crowd the river.  The Cumberland is a beautiful stream, scarcely varying in its width, which is only about 30 rods.  We pass, occasionally, a small, dilapidated town, receiving the echoes and welcomes of the contrabands on shore, but the white folks appear shy and backward.

There is undoubtedly some important movement on foot in which our regiment is destined to play a part.  I shall endeavor to write to you again in next week’s paper.

J. M. K.

            P. S. – 3 o’clock P. M. – We have arrived safely at Nashville.  I have recognized a number on shore that belonged to the 16th Illinois: Martin Ellis, of Co. H., died to-day of lung-fever.  Pate, of the same company, it is thought, cannot live through the night.

J. K. M.


A Voice from the Army.

            Ed. Journal: At this time, when a party name and organization, though all sham, is moving Heaven and earth, to excite popular prejudice and indignation against our rulers, and with feigned love and honeyed speech to steal away the hearts of our noble volunteers, it is refreshing to the true patriot and loyal citizen to see and hear the response of our citizen soldiers.  Believing that it will touch a chord in other hearts as it has in my own, I send you for publication, if you think it is worthy, an extract of a letter from a brother who has long been in the extreme advance of Gen. Grant’s army, and from whom I had had no communication since the battles of Corinth and Hatchie:

My Dear Brother: I believe I might well scold at getting no letters from you, but you know I never do such things.  Here I’ve been scratching away with pen or pencil, on a box, a keg, on the top of my hat, or, as now, on the corner of an old secesh ledger held on my lap, and from blank leaves of which I have written you letters, yet unanswered.

We have the news to-day that glorious old Rose has licked Bragg again, and drive him from his fortified encampment, and we are ready to believe it, for the old hoss has never yet had to give back, and that reputation alone is worth one-third of a whole force.  I would rather march on to an enemy with 60,000 under such a General, than with 100,000 under one without that reputation.

I see the deaths of Col.’s Reid and Alexander, of Paris, announced in the dispatches, and while I heartily sympathize with their friends and the country, in their great loss, I know every soldier gets to feel that it is a privilege to die for his country; and would welcome death on such a field in such a cause, rather than the ignominy and lasting disgrace to be heaped on the grave of the coward or foul traitor, who claims the friendship of those he disgraces by such claim.

It is hard to follow a treacherous foe for thirty days without rest or shelter; hard to make ten days scouts on two day’s rations; hard to stand picket – a target for bushwhackers and guerillas; but all this, and ten fold more, is nothing to having the back turned on you by professed friends at home – who at the behest of party (how I hate the name,) would crawl, knife in hand, to the sick bed of a father to stick him to the heart, and do it with a sycophantic profession of devotion to the Constitution.  Down upon all such hypocrisy!  Is there not some chosen curses? some hidden thunders in store, reserved with unmingled wrath to damn the man who owes his distinction to his country’s ruin?

Should I live to reach home at the end of the war, (and I don’t intend to go before), I will freely give one more year’s service for the privilege of regulating our old county with my old company.  Oh! wouldn’t we make them squirm then.  I think I now hear them swearing they won’t, but I tell you they will.  We have had some practice in that line and know the lick it’s done with.

There are some acts of the Administration that my judgment does not approve, and some at which my feelings revolt, but am I to set up my opinion as an iron bedstead and effect all others to be brought to my standard, or raise a fellow’s hand to strike at the very vitals of the best Government ever bestowed on man, insult the grey hairs of our revolutionary sires, and heap up for myself a monument of infamy compared with which the fame of Benedict Arnold or Judas Iscariot became a praise.  No!  Heaven forbid it – shame – honor – manhood forbid it.

I profess no extraordinary courage, but by the solemnities of the battle field whose sights have become familiar; by the spirits of my comrades who have fallen around me in battle, before I will strike hands with such traitors I will fight till my grey hairs and feeble limbs rule me out of the service, and then, like old Hamilton, dedicate my boy to the service of his country, swearing him to eternal enmity to all traitors.


The 84th Again.

            We publish below an extract from a private letter to W. S. Hall, Esq., of this city, which will be read with interest by all.  The brave 84th deserves to be remembered with gratitude, and we cannot resist the temptation to lay before our readers the following high tribute to its courage:

Murfreesboro, Jan. 11.

            The bravery and daring of individuals and Regiments were numerous, but none excelled the 84th Illinois, commanded by your townsman, Col. L. H. Waters.  They encountered the centre of the enemy and was under a most terrific fire for several hours, and not one inch did they give back, but stood firm to the last, fighting three times their number.  I have twice passed over the ground they occupied, and to see the thousands of bullet holes in the timber, and the trees and limbs cut off by cannon balls, the wonder is, how a single man escaped.  At one time the flag staff of the regiment was shot away.  Col. Waters rushed forward, raised it from the ground, waived it, and shouted to his men to fight and never let the American flag lay on the ground or trail in the dust.  He was always where duty called him, encouraging his men.  Capt. Wm. Ervin, of your city, showed himself a cool and brave man, in fact, there was not a man in the Regiment that flinched, every one did his duty.

If Illinois has a Regiment she ought to be more proud of than any other, that Regiment is the 84th, and if there is a Colonel from the State entitled to favorable consideration, it is Col. Waters, for he has proved himself a brave and gallant officer.  Your county has a right to be proud of him, not only so, but the State of Illinois is honored by his gallantry and bravery, and that of his Regiment.  Not a man straggled from the Regiment during the five days fight, which was not the case with other Regiments, thousands fell back and could not be induced to go into the fight, it was not so with the 84th Illinois, every man could be and was accounted for every night after the battle.

Truly yours,

Alex. Simpson.


The Benevolent Supper. – The Supper made by the Ladies of the Soldiers aid and Ladies Sociable Societies at the Randolph House on the 13th inst., was a decided success.  Notwithstanding the extraordinary bad walking, the public rooms of the Hotel were crowded.  The utmost good feeling prevailed.  The Supper was abundant and well prepared, the zest which was every where apparent, evinced in the community the deep interest every where felt for the Soldier.  The affair we are informed, netted about ninety dollars above all expenditures.


Where are the City Fathers?

            Mr. Editor: Can you not advise the City Fathers and the city functionaries generally, who have the supervision of the streets and sidewalks, that some of the pavements and crossings the last week were almost impassable.  The crossings are horribly filthy, and render it absolutely necessary for very lady passing, however modest, and whether willing or not to show her balmoral.  Moreover the brick pavements are in some places badly torn up, and threaten the dislocation of joints to every unfortunate pedestrian who visits the post office after night fall.  I should think the worthy fathers themselves would not trust their portly old frames on such loose cobble stones.

It may not have occurred to these worthy functionaries that the winter has been very muddy and that we want like Noah’s dove again to find a resting place for the sole of our feet.  We understand that in quite a number of cases where justices have imposed fines, the parties chose to work out the amount, as the law allows them; can not they be set at the crossings.  We fear strangers will not know that we have a city charter.

Whilst asking favors of the old and honorable, we would also raise the question how long the roving boys are to be allowed to take the town by nights. – The public halls, the post office, the side walks, are all infested with a swarm of these screaming, whistling, crowding tyroes, who seem to be turned loose at dusk to make night hideous.  To judge from appearance, too, we would think that nearly every family have at least one representative.  It is said that one of the J. P.’s fined one of these turbulent last week, and the police threatened others.  But we want a persistent effort by all good men in and out of office to reduce these rovers to the legitimate behavior of boys.

Old Batch.