Tag Archives: Peoria Transcript

May 15 and 16, 1863

Editor’s Note. — Thanks to some internet issues going on at home, I’m posting a day later than normal.  I’m hoping that things are back to normal soon.  Thanks.


Macomb Journal
May 15, 1863

The Skies Brightening.

            Each days news but adds to the already strong conviction that the Great Rebellion is about played out.  The loyal armies are everywhere pressing the cohorts of treason to the wall. – Richmond and Vicksburg, the last strongholds of the enemy, are almost as good as in Federal possession.  Gen. Hooker is ready to re-cross the Rappahannock and will follow Lee “on to Richmond,” and that, too, with an army in every way superior to the rebels.  Grant is slowly but surely closing in upon Vicksburg, while Hunter and the brace Rosecrans are ready to strike blows that will stagger the rebel Confederacy.  At last we have men at the head of our armies whose hearts are engaged in the work – men who love the glorious Stars and Strips – men who hate rebels and traitors – men who fight to conquer.  But this is not all that makes us feel hopeful.  The Government has at last become aroused to the magnitude of the task in hand, and has resolved to punish traitors wherever they may be found.  Hereafter, traitors in the North are to be dealt with as their crimes deserve.  The strong arm of the Government is bared to strike wherever treason has found a lodging place.  The arrest of the infamous traitor, Vallandigham, is but the beginning of a new era that’s to speedily end in the complete and final overthrow of all enemies of the Government.  The day has passed when men in the North can preach treason unmolested.  The day of retribution for them has been slow in coming, but, thank Heaven, it has at least arrived, and its punishment will be swift and terrible.

The vile wretches who rejoiced when the news came that Hooker had been driven across the Rappahannock, will have but little to rejoice over hereafter.  The army of the Potomac will soon again cross, and we believe for the last time until the rebellion is dead and buried.  Let loyal men rejoice.  The dark days of the Republic have passes away.  Henceforth “victory” is to be the aim and the result of our military movements.


A Just Verdict.

            A Telegraph dispatch from New York announces that Gen. Burnside has sentenced Vallandigham to Tortugas for two years.  We trust that this report is true.  If there is a traitor in this Country Vallandigham is one and being the leader of the Copperhead party it is eminently fit that punishment to be visited upon the miserable Northern Traitors should be first felt by him.  Now let the balance of the crew take warning at his fate.  The Government is getting terribly in earnest and Copperheads had better stand from under.


Stoneman’s Raid.

            The rebel journals of Richmond are filled with evidence of the fear and [obscured] during the raid of Stoneman’s cavalry.  They more than confirm previous accounts of the complete success of our valiant horsemen – of the destruction of bridges, the capture of prisoners, the general consternation caused along the rout of the raid and in the rebel capital inhabitants of which anticipated a direful visitation.  All accounts, both Federal and rebel, concur in the general fact that all the lines of communication between Lee’s army and Richmond are completely cut.

This bold and wonderful achievement of our cavalry exceeds all the previous rebel raids made by Stonewall Jackson and Stuart.


→ Gen. Howard, who was in command of the division at Chancellorsville, that is reported to have “behaved badly,” entered the service from Maine.  He is a graduate of West Point, and was for some time a Professor in that institution.  He resigned a year or two previous to the war, and became a student of theology, with the intention of entering the ministry.  At the opening of the war he volunteered and was placed at the head of a regiment, and a year since became a Major General.  He distinguished himself at Fair Oaks, where he lost an arm.  Gen. Howard is an earnest, determined Christian soldier, and there is no more gallant and few more capable soldiers than Gen. Howard.


Army Correspondence.

            Memphis, Tenn.
April 14, 1863.

Editor of Macomb Journal,

Sir: I beg pardon for deviating from my regular routine of duty, but bear with me while I pen you a few lines in regard to company D, of the 28th.  Most of the company are in good health and spirits, but the prevailing spirits seem to be bad whisky, as some of the boys are slightly intoxicated occasionally.  If evil spirits do occasionally enter our camp, I think that the love for the Union still predominated, as all your readers are well aware from the past history of the company and regiment.

One of the most interesting scenes, since our organization, occurred last Sabbath evening just after Dress Parade.  The members of the company presented Capt. Farewell with a splendid belt, and Mr. McGaughy, 2nd Lieut., with a fine sword.  The presentation speeches were made by Mr. Sayers, in presence of Mrs. Farewell, and a large portion of the regiment.  The speeches were eloquent, patriotic, and to the point.  He spoke of our Captaing in the warmest praise – said that he had always been at the head of his company in every engagement, and never was found absent from his command when duty called him.  He complimented the Lieutenant on his appointment and services.

The presents and presentations were highly complimentary, and the best of feelings prevailed.

I hope you will do the company the honor of publishing this epistle for their special benefit.

Yours truly,



From the 119th I. V.

For the Macomb Journal.

Co. H, 119th Reg’t ILL. Vols.
White Station, Tenn.,
May 1, 1863.

            Whereas, The very existence of our Government which we revere and honor is threatened; the glorious old flag of our nation that we love, insulted by traitors; the Federal Union, which we deem sacred, severed by the bloody and wicked secessionists; and whereas our beloved country is now engaged in a dreadful struggle to subdue this mighty rebellion and restore peace to our suffering land, therefore,

Resolved, That it is the most sacred duty of every man, woman and child throughout the land, to aid in every possible manner in upholding and supporting this best of Governments, which has been an honor to us abroad, and blest and protected us at home.

Resolved, That patriotism is superior to politics; that the time was when political divisions and political discussions were right and proper, and we earnestly hope and pray will soon be again, but at present they are neither right nor proper, but dangerous to our holy cause, should be laid aside for the present by every one, and all be united in the one noble cause of sustaining our Government, its constitution, and laws, and support the Administration in all [obscured].

Resolved, That this is no time for neutrality, or charging any one, or any party, with causing the war, but as we are now engaged in the fearful struggle, we should be for our Country right or wrong, fight till the last armed foe disappears, till our glorious old flag with the gorgeous ensign of “Liberty and Union” shall wave in triumph over every State, and till traitors bow in humble submission beneath its silken folds.

Resolved, That we have no pity for rebels, nor respect for those who sympathize with them; that we regard those in the North who speak against the cause in which we are engaged, and discourage the prosecution of the war, as aiding our enemies, as being accessory to the wound which our nation has received, in causing the hearts of millions at home to bleed, and in lengthening the time that separates us (soldiers) from our families and loved ones.

Resolved, That we are pleased and gratified to hear of so many noble expressions of loyalty among our friends of old McDonough county; that their patriotic resolutions and sentiments strengthen our hands and encourage our hearts.

Resolved, That we did not engage in this war for plunder, nor for the purpose of interfering with the institution of slavery; but since treason has been carried so far, bringing upon us a debt that will oppress us for years, murdering fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, and causing unprecedented wailing throughout the land, we care not what becomes of their slaves, horses, mules, homes, or anything else belonging to them; that we care not, though the many thousands of slaves, who have been under their galling yoke and lash, for many years, should be armed with musket and bayonet, and meet them face to face on the bloody field; that, we think they deserve no better, and we are in favor of anything that will bring this contest to a speedy and honorable termination.

Captain, Samuel McConnell,
1st Lieut. Henry C. Mullan,
2nd Lieut. J. Wells.
1st Serg’t Levi S. Mills; 2nd do., Joel C. Band; 3d do., P. H. Moore; 5th do., Lewis Wilson.

The Resolutions were signed by all of the members of the company, but we have not room for them. – Ed.


Trouble in the Peoria High School.

From the Peoria Transcript, May 9.

            Quite a disturbance has occurred among the High School boys, growing out of Copperheadism and Hooker’s reverse.  It is said to have been commenced on Thursday, by the removal of a copperhead badge from one of the scholars by two of his companions.  Yesterday several of the copperhead side of the school appeared with badges as if inviting difficulty.  The result was that hard words ensued, which shortly turned into a fight.  The Union boys went in on their muscle, and copperheads were shortly at a discount.  Some pretty hard licks were given and taken, and black eyes, scratched faces, and bloody noses were quite plentiful.  We are sorry to hear that one boy named Joseph Carrell, son of Benjamin Carrell, received a pretty severe cut in the head from a club in the hands of one of the young copperheads.

The affair has created quite an excitement.  Mr. Coy, Principal of the High School, has issued “a request,” tantamount to a command, that badges of any character, except patriotic, shall not hereafter be worn by the pupils.

Some say the trouble first grew out of an exultation over Hooker’s defeat which so incensed the Union boys that they pitched into the author, tearing off his badge and giving him a general “shaking up.”


→ Pope Pius is dying.  The question of his successor is being already vigorously discussed.  Cardinal Wiseman, of England, is said – though we can hardly believe it – to be the favorite candidate of the salons of Faubourg St. Germain.


            A Wolf Story. – The Peoria Mail says that a German farmer, living near Groveland Ill., a few days since, found nine young wolves in one den, which he killed.  They were of the large grey species, and the hopeful progeny of some older ones who have committed depredations in that part of the country for some time past.


New Court House. – Mr. Harker, Architect, of this city, has shown us a draught of a New Court House for this County.  The building is to cost [obscured] if built, and would be an ornament to the city and a credit to the county.  We trust that the Board of Supervisors will make the necessary appropriations, to build a New Court House, and that they will adopt the plan submitted by Mr. Harker.


Arrested. – A woman, hailing from [obscured], Fulton Co, was arrested in this city on Tuesday last, by an officer from the former place.  She was arrested on a charge of stealing.  The next morning she was taken to Fulton Co.


Hard to Take. – Sheriff Dixon undertook to arrest a young man named Henry Grim on Saturday last, but the young man didn’t see the propriety of the proceeding and resisted the sheriff.  The sheriff then called on the spectators to assist, when three or four pitched in.  Grim came near whipping the whole crowd but was finally overwhelmed and taken to jail.  He gave bail and was released.  He was indicted by the Grand Jury for resisting an officer and it was on that charge that he was arrested.


Dear Pork. – An individual known as Dutch John, was arrested for breaking into the stray pen and taking out some hogs which had been shut up by the City Marshal.  He was taken before Justice Chandler and fined $10 and cost.


Still Another. – A man by the name of Cox who has been in this city for several months past was on Monday last arrested in Galesburg by the Sheriff of Schuyler County.  It appears that Cox was some two years ago confined in Schuyler Co., Jail for some offence and broke jail and skedaddled.  He then volunteered but was discharged a few months ago and has been in this city since.  A few days ago he sold a cow to Ed Bunn of this city for $15 but after he had got the money it turned out that he never owned a cow.  He also sold several other articles which he never owned.  Bunn informed the Sheriff of Schuyler County where he was and he was arrested as stated above.  He was taken to Rushville.


Always Ready. – Venable, who for the past two years has been dealing out the best of Goods, (as those who have received then can bear testimony to,) says that he is now better prepared than he has ever been before to supply the wants of those desiring a good article of Woolen Goods.  The highest market price paid for wool at all times.  Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.  New advertisement next week.


Renovating. – The Drug Store of F. R. Kyle is undergoing a thorough renovating, and when the painters finish, will be as slick as a new doll.  Frank has also just returned from Chicago with a large stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery &c., which will be sold at prices that defy competition.  He also keeps a large supply of all the Popular Patent medicines of the day.


Tender Steaks. – If there is one thing above another necessary to a good breakfast that thing is a good tender steak.  A nice, juicy steak for breakfast, is not only a pleasure while eating, but it exerts a beneficial influence all through the day.  When you see a man cross and crabbed, you may at once conclude that he has dined on tough steak.  And then tender steak is a great preserver of the teeth as well as a promoter of kindly feelings and genial temper.  Chamberlin and Fowler have opened a new Meat Market on Lafayette Street where this article can always be found.


Ambrotypes. – Mrs. Fisher has opened an Ambrotype Room in Churchill’s building one block north of the Square where she will be pleased to meet all who desire correct, lifelike pictures at reasonable figures.  Give her a call.


Macomb Eagle
May 16, 1863

→ The sentence of Vallandigham is banishment to the Tortugas – a barren island on the southern coast of Florida – during the term of Lincoln’s administration.  His arrest was illegal and his sentence is infamous.  Burnside is now madly dashing himself against the Constitution; but he will find it more impregnable and better defended than were the rebel works at Fredericksburg.  It is hard to keep cool and be quiet, under the perpetration of such enormous outrages; but “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church,” and all such cases will tell in favor of the constitutional Democracy at the next election.  These fanatical engineers will be hoisted by their own petard.  When the Democrats have control of the Government, in 1864, they will not make a vindictive, but a constitutional, use of power.


To Explode the Rebellion.

            If the administration are in earnest in the pretence that they wish to restore the Union of the States as it formerly existed, they can greatly facilitate the accomplishment of this purpose by simply withdrawing the emancipation proclamation, granting an amnesty to the people engaged in the war, and proclaiming anew the language of the Crittenden resolution of July 1861. – The promulgation of these measures would soon leave Gen. Lee without an army, and Jeff Davis would soon be a fugitive.  It would prevent the further expenditure of blood and treasure, and go far toward reinstating the old feeling of good will and friendship between the North and South, which existed during the peaceful and prosperous days of the Republic.  No sound reason can be urged against the adoption of this policy, while it is called for by every instinct of justice and humanity.


A Small Business.

On Saturday last dispatches were sent all over the country from Washington, announcing the capture of Richmond.  As the administration control the telegraph lines from that city, allow nothing to be sent except what they choose to permit, they must be held accountable for the circulation of this report whatever – it was a pure fiction.  We suspect, however, that it was manufactured for the European market.  On Wednesday previous Lord Lyons sent a messenger to England with the news of Hooker’s defeat.  The next steamer left on Saturday, and it is believed that this “capture of Richmond” story was gotten up at Washington for the purpose of sending abroad and counteracting the effect of Hooker’s defeat.  It is certainly a small business for the administration to be engaged in, or even conniving at.


→ It was Philip of Macedon, we believe, who demanded of the Athenians the surrender of their orators to him.  It is the Lincoln administration, through such men as Fredericksburg Burnside, which propose to stop the mouths of orators and to silence the press.  Democrates replied to Philip’s demand by telling the fable in which the wolves demanded of the shepherds their dogs, and promised, if that were complied with, to make an alliance offensive and defensive of the sheep.  The shepherds did not see it!

June 6 and 7, 1862

Macomb Journal
June 6, 1862

Shall We Adopt the New Constitution.

            We trust that every man who, in the present embarrassed state of the country, is opposed to any increase of taxes, and opposed to fostering special monopolies and opposed to adding any uncalled-for perplexities to the people of the State, will answer this question with a decided negative.  The friends of the new constitution are enduring in their efforts to prove by a fantastical array of figures that the new constitution will be more economical in its operations than the old one.  The idea is simply absurd.  How an increase of offices and an increase of salaries is to lessen state expenses, is beyond our comprehension.  The history of our present constitution is well known.  It was made at a time when the State was bordering on bankruptcy, and the idea was seriously entertained by many citizens of absolute repudiation.  But better counsels prevailed, and our present constitution was framed by men who were in favor of paying every dollar of State indebtedness, and hence they kept these matters in view and made a constitution upon the strictest economical principles.  The result was the credit of our State rose rapidly – its bonds became of equal value to those of the most prosperous States.  The question of a new constitution was first agitated by those who thought the time had come when we could afford a more liberal constitution, or one which would pay better salaries.  It was argued by those favoring a new constitution that the salaries of our State officers, and of our circuit judges, and of several other offices, were too low, and that the State could afford more liberal salaries.  Those arguments in favor holding a convention must be well remembered by our citizens – and there was much force and reason in them at that time, but now a state of things exist that no one anticipated.  There is just as much, and even more, reason why our State affairs should be conducted economically, as there was when our present constitution was made.  Our old constitution lifted us out of debt, or nearly so, and we shall need just such a constitution to carry us through the embarrassments which this war will inflict upon us.

Let then every patriotic citizen, who feels an interest in the good time of [obscured] day next this matter is to be decided. – Our only fear is that those opposed to this constitutional monstrosity will be afflicted with too much apathy, and conclude there are enough others to vote down the thing without them.  We beg that they be not deceived.  The conspirators, who canvassed this new constitution in secret midnight meetings, are diligent in their endeavors to bring out a large vote in its favor.  All, then, who oppose this scheme, by which our taxes are increased, internal improvements suppressed, monopolies encouraged, legislation complicated, and the will of the people perverted, are exhorted to [obscured] and prepared to go to the polls on Thursday, the 17th inst., and bury this conspirators’ [obscured] so deep, and with such a large majority, that it may never again be resurrected.


            Died of Hydrophobia. – The Rock Island Argus mentions the death in that city, on Wednesday evening, of August Nesper, by hydrophobia.  The victim was bitten early in January last by a dog supposed to be mad, and the wounds were dressed with reference to any fatal results which might ensue. – Cauterization, however, was omitted.  Until Sunday last Nesper complained of being unwell.  From that time he grew worse, and a consultation of physicians was held, and it was decided to be a clear case of hydrophobia.  The patient, for some hours before his death, lay unconscious, and expired from exhaustion and suffocation.  He leaves a wife and one child.


Facts to be Remembered.

            There are a few facts connected with the condition of the two political parties at the North which should not be lost sight of.

It is a fact that the only persons from the North, who have been found by us in the rebel army, and taken prisoners are Democrats.

It is a fact that the only parties at the North who justify or apologize for the rebels are Democrats.

It is a fact that the only party in the North supported by the disloyal is the Democratic.

It is a fact that the only men elected to office at the North about whose loyalty there is any question are elected by Democrats.

It is a fact that the only disloyal newspapers at the North are Democratic.

It is a fact that the only papers which have been suppressed for their treasonable utterance were Democratic.

It is a fact that the only Northern apologists and defenders of the institution of slavery are Democrats.

It is a fact that all the opposition to a full and complete vindication of the majesty of the Government, in this unholy war upon it, comes from the Democrats.

Let our Republican readers make a note of these facts, and when assailed by a Democrat quietly ask for a comparison of records. – Peoria Transcript.


Fourth of July. – In about four weeks time the ever glorious fourth of July will be upon us.  Isn’t it about time that Macomb had a real genuine old-fashioned celebration?  If some of our public spirited go-ahead citizens will second the motion, or give us enough encouragement to do so, we will publish a call for a public meeting in the Journal of next week, to make the necessary arrangements.  Speak out, neighbors, are you ready to co-operate in celebrating the anniversary of our independence.


Drowned. – We learn from the Democrat, of Saturday, that Mr. Thomas W. Saunders, an energetic and much respected citizen of Lewistown, was drowned in Spoon River on Wednesday of last week.


A Runaway. – A team of horses belonging to Anderson & Brother, lumber merchants in this city, had a little run-away on Thursday morning.  The started from the depot and ran to the lumber yard, upsetting the wagon on the way, and arriving with only two wheels.  Robert Anderson, who had them in charge, was hurt at the depot just as the horses started.  We could not learn the precise nature of his injuries, but trust they are not serious.


  • Fell in battle by a ball from the enemy through the heart, near Corinth, on the 5th day of May, 1862, Mr. Andrew L. Kellough, of Capt. Stewart’s company, Yates Sharpshooters.  A young man of unblemished character and noble aspirations, conscientiously moral and religious – a patriot – a Christian.  He resided with his parents about three miles from this city until last autumn, when at the call of his country he took the tented field where, as at home, the purity of his life, and the faithful unselfish discharge of every duty made him a favorite with all.  Though this is the second from this family sacrificed on the altar of their country, (Daniel A. Camp of Dr. Bayne’s Company, who fell a victim to exposure and disease in early winter, being a son-in-law) yet these parents now in the “sear and yellow leaf” of life, and feeling most deeply their loss do not regret that they had sons to give to their country in its time of peril and sore trial; and let us who are enjoying the peace and comforts of home cherish the memories of those dear ones and their compeers, who have fought and fallen to secure us these blessings.  Let the names of McDonald, Camp, Bailey, Gill, Milligan, Pierson, Welch, Teas and Kellough, and as many more as may be called to follow them, be as household words, not dishonored or forgotten; and let a tear of sympathy and a helping hand ever be extended to their families and friends left behind.                B.


Macomb Eagle
June 7, 1862

  • It is certainly a very fortunate thing for the country that the republicans elected their “honest” men to office in 1861.  They have stolen about one hundred millions of dollars from the national treasury in the first year of their administration.  Is it not very fortunate that their dishonest men did not obtain office, either State or National?


  • “The conservative men of the North and the border States,” says that Washington correspondent of the New York Times, “could save the Union and restore peace to its broad extent in thirty days, if the destructive element of radical abolitionism was crushed out of Congress.”  That is a palpable truth, and its admission comes through a very proper source.  Abolitionism is in the way, and must be crushed out before the people can hope for peace and a restored Union.


Not a War of Subjugation.

            We believe that this war is in no proper sense a war of subjugation.  The United States is not desirous of holding any part of the country within its jurisdiction as conquered and subject provinces.  It desires only that the South should return to an allegiance which is as beneficial to her as the rest of the United States – to the South the same as to the North or the West.  That allegiance asks no more of the South than she concedes to other sections.  It asks only that all shall be governed by one law under a common constitution, which treats all impartially alike. – That is the understanding in which this war is waged by four-fifths of the people outside of the seceded States.  The ferocious demands of abolitionism – which are a disgrace to the age, to our people and to humanity – do not measure the wishes of the vast majority of the northern people.  Why will the South not understand this? – St. Louis Republican.

How can they understand when Congress, led by Trumbull, Sumner, Lovejoy, Stevens, and others, is continually asserting by legislation that slavery must be abolished before the war can end?  How can they understand when the republican papers are continually inciting them to make resistance to the federal arms and thus prolong the struggle?  How can they understand it when the administration falsifies the pledges upon which it obtained power?  How can they understand it when the leading men of the dominant party everywhere declared their determination to destroy southern society and southern laws?  How can they understand it when every effort of the republican press is to add to and intensify the acrimony and ill-feeling and hatred existing between the two factions? – When the people of the North will vote down this republican party, then the South may begin to understand that we are not their implacable enemies.


  • The city council have run up whisky license to $200 a year, billiards $100, tenpins $100, and beer licenses may be placed at $100.  If it was designed to prohibit the renewal of license for the above objects, it will probably be successful.  But what will the poor fellows do if lager beer goes up to ten cents a glass?


  • We are indebted to Miss Cline, of this township, for a cheese of excellent quality and admirable flavor.  Miss C. will please accept our thanks for the kind remembrances.


  • Some ill-mannered thief stole half a dozen dahlia roots from Mrs. Forsyth’s garden, on Sunday night.  That kind of stealing might be called the flower of villainy.


  • A hailstorm passed north of this town Friday last.  Many “stones” were seen as large as a hen’s egg.


  • The “leafy month of June” has started out very cold and wet.  A fire felt quite comfortable on the morning and evening of the 3rd inst.


  • If the weather should happen to get warm this summer, we predict that Lane’s ice-cream and soda establishment will become very popular, and, that the drafts upon his ice-house will become incessant.  Lane’s way of treating his friends coolly in the hot weather is decidedly refreshing.