Tag Archives: Congregational Churh

December 20 and 21, 1861

Macomb Journal
December 20, 1861

The National Armory.

A spirited contest is going on between the friends of Rock Island, Illinois, the Fox River, Wisconsin, Peoria and Chicago, as the proper location for a new national armory and foundry.  It will not be surprising if owing to these local differences, the new foundry, and perhaps an armory also, is located at Pittsburg.  A party of gentlemen who recently visited Peoria, and were hospitably conducted about the city, are loud in praise about the city. – Philadelphia Inquirer.

Quincy, too, is putting in her claims for the location of the Armory at that place, and her city council has commissioned two of her citizens to proceed to Washington to use their influence to obtain it.  What is Macomb about that she don’t put in her claims also?  We have lots of room for an Armory, and plenty of men who would go to Washington to urge her claims if they were paid for it.


Very Doubtful.

In a letter from Fort Holt, Ky., over the signature of W. M. P., to the Macomb Eagle, occurs the following paragraph:

“Out of these payments, some $800 or $1000 have been sent home.  There is one evil that I cannot refrain from mentioning here, which is: postmasters, or somebody else, think the right of search is constitutional and one of their perquisites, and that the hard earnings of soldiers sent home by mail are subject to confiscation.  It is shameful that Congress whilst beholding the mote in the brother’s eye should be so careful of the beam in their own.  A number of the boys have mailed money home – their letters have broken open, robbed of the soldier’s wages, and then sent on.  It is too bad to be endured.”

Now the above strikes us as needing confirmation to be believed.  Our opinion of it is that is a base fabrication. – The post office system is so arranged that a robbery can be traced almost unerringly to its author.  And who believes that a postmaster, who would rob a letter of its contents would be careful to forward the same letter to its destination, and thus furnish incontestable proof of the robbery.  “W. M. P.” must produce the documents if he would have his statement believed.


A Teachers Association. – Our new school commissioner, Mr. L. A. Simmons, enters upon his duties in a manner which betokens a knowledge of his duties, and a determination to perform them with earnestness and zeal.  He gives notice in another column to all the teachers of schools and Academies in this county to meet in this city on the 2nd of January for the purpose of forming a Teachers Association or Institute.  We trust the call will receive attention by all the teachers in the county, and that they will make it their business to be present at the time appointed.  The next day, Friday, is set apart for the examination of applicants for teacher’s certificates, which will be granted to those found worthy of them without charge.  We think we are not presuming too much upon the generosity of our citizens in extending in their behalf to all teachers from the country who shall attend the meeting a welcome to their homes during their stay.


Local Matters.

Sunday School Exhibition.
The Methodist Sunday School propose to give an Exhibition at the Church, and Supper at Campbell’s Hall, on the evening of December 17th, 1861.  A small admission fee will be charged.  All are invited to attend.

Children’s Clothes.
The Ladies of the Congregational Church in this city, having filled a case with Children’s Clothes and other articles, are, by the kindness of Mr. J. E. Lawther, permitted to place it in his store where they offer the goods for sale, and solicit patronage.


Rev. Mr. Mineett, an elder in the United Brethren Church, will preach in the Court House in this city, on Wednesday evening next, the 25th inst.


Our carrier boy desires us to announce to our town subscribers that he is now busy preparing his New Year’s Address, which will be issued early on New Year’s morning, and promptly delivered to his generous and appreciating patrons.


Cottrell & Brother. – Nothwithstanding the pressure of the times, this well known and enterprising firm appears to be as successful and prosperous as ever.  During the past summer they have erected a handsome and substantial three-story brick building on the south side of the square, which is really an ornament to that part of the city.  The whole of this building is occupied by this firm.  The first floor, which is the largest room in the city, is occupied as a salesroom – and here may be seen stoves of all sizes and patterns, tinware, and almost an endless variety of light and heavy hardware.  The second floor might also be termed a salesroom, for here is stowed away a large variety of goods for which room cannot be found on the first floor; and the third floor is used as a shop for the manufacture of all kinds of tin and copper ware for which there is a demand in this section of the country.  With such a large and varied stock as this firm have, and with such faculties for business, it is but natural that they should succeed in securing an extensive and prosperous trade.  Our farmers and others when visiting the city should give Cottrell & Brother a call and view his premises and stock, even if they should not desire to purchase.  All are welcome, and those wishing to purchase will find attentive salesmen, excellent goods, and reasonable prices.  See their advertisement in another column.


G. F. Clark, next door to Brown’s Hotel, has laid in a good stock for the holidays.  Give him a call.


For the purpose of adding to the fund for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers, a number of the young ladies and gentlemen of Macomb will give an exhibition of
At Campbell’s Hall, on Christmas Eve, 24th inst., at 7 o’clock.
Admission 15 cents, or two tickets for 25 cents.


Macomb Eagle
December 21, 1861

The Weather. – That ubiquitous individual, “the oldest inhabitant,” has no remembrance of such pleasant weather in December as the present month so far has been.  The grass, positively, is greener than it was in August last.  We see it stated that muskrats and beavers – which animals are supposed to know a thing or two about the winter – have given out the sign that we are to have mild weather this winter.  The wild geese, too, it is said, have not went southward in as large numbers as formerly.  Whether this has come from their knowledge of the weather, or because they do not wish to become food for rebellion, we leave to be discussed by the lazy club.


Dwelling House Burnt. – The dwelling of Mrs. Harriet Baldwin, about four miles south of this city, was burnt on Friday last.  The greater part of the furniture was saved.  The fire is supposed to have caught from an ash box, which had been placed against the smokehouse.  There was but one person at home at the time, and she was unable to extinguish the fire when discovered, and before any of the neighbors could arrive it was too late. – A subscription paper, to build Mrs. B. a new house, has been circulated, with tolerable success.


A newspaper at Quincy, which sets itself up as a paragon of propriety and all that constitutes a Christian “gentleman,” has a paragraph of twenty-three lines, in which such choice expressions as “white feathered and white livered,” “black hearted traitors,” “white livered scoundrels,” “hypocritical cowards and traitors,” “indigestible filth,” etc., occur twenty-three times.  That will do for a “gentleman.”


About a year ago a republican here offered to do all the fighting that would grow out of secessionism, for the sum of ten dollars.  He has not gone to the war yet; but he will certainly not delay much longer to take the job off the hands of the government.


George Bunn has removed his oyster saloon to the west room over Campbell & Walker’s store, adjoining the billiard rooms.  He hopes to see his friends and all lovers of oysters, frequently.  Oysters served in all styles, as usual.


At Clarke’s bookstore will be found a large assortment of toy books for children, gift books for older folks, and other things suitable for the approaching holidays.  Go and look at them.


We do not consider the complication of affairs with England to be fraught with half the danger to the country, as the presence of abolitionism in the capital is.